Saturday, June 28, 2014

8 months and growing

It's hard to believe that Lincoln is 8 months old. He brings such a wonderful joy to all of us and we simply cannot love him anymore than we already do. Each and every day, he is showered with hugs and kisses and love from all of us. His smile lights up a room and when he flashes those amazing dark brown eyes, my heart melts. 

I want to remember each and every face that he makes and so, I've worked to capture all of them on camera. He isn't often upset, but when he is, his face sure lets us know (and his angry cry too!). He's still sweet, even when he's mad! 

At 8 months old: 
* Finally has started rolling over more (after a LOT of work on my part during this week home with him)
* Loves to stand and hold onto things, mostly to watch the cars go by out the window
* When he lays on his back, he lifts his legs and slams his heels into the ground, HARD. This is how he "moves" around.
* Still enjoys his Johnny Jumper, being pushed in the swing, going for walks and playing with toys. 
* Balls are his favorite toys. He has quite the arm, and is a lefty (video HERE though it's a little old)
* Eats baby food, stage 2 but only really likes the fruit. Anything else gets a pretty nasty face.
* "real food" we have tried includes Puffs, Yogurt Melts and crackers. He's still trying to figure out how to get them to the back of his mouth. I've tried cheese recently but he spits that out immediately. 
* Ice cream gives him a runny nose and a cough so we stopped offering it on our regular DQ outings
* Still nurses like a champ, 5 times/day

* Naps 3 times/day (AM, PM and early evening) for about 1-3 hours, going to bed in his cradle next to our bed. 
* Sleeps overnight well. 

* Likes his nuk. Sort of. Took us until baby #3 to buy one of those nuk tether things because let's face it, squatting to pick up a nuk after the 50th time it's fallen from his mouth is downright challenging at his weight!
* Enjoys being in the pool for short bouts (gets a little chilly) and has just as much fun sitting on the edge splashing his toes. 
* Doesn't mind sitting in the grass (I thought the feeling of grass would bother him). 
* Puts everything into his mouth; but spits out the food......*sigh*
* Had his first surgery: ear tubes yesterday and was a champ! 
* Has 2 teeth and a 3rd one currently making its debut
* Wears mostly 12 month clothes and size 3 diapers
* Weight: 22 lbs 13 oz 
* Height: 28.5 inches
Oh...and he still spits up. All. Day. Long... :) 

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