Monday, June 16, 2014

Father's day

I get the pleasure of spending my days with these crazy fools.
(I love that Lincoln has the look of "what is wrong with these people?!")
Ryan's Father's Day started off with begging by the girls for him to open presents (actually it started with a text from his golfing buddies saying they were cancelling golf for the day). I tried waiting until everyone was dressed for present time, but that wasn't happening. They were dying for him to open all the gifts they have been working on, along with a few we purchased from the store.

One gift in particular was a photo book that I created (via Shutterfly) with loads and loads of pictures with just Ryan and his kiddos. I snuck in time on the computer while he was busy watching sports on TV each night and managed to get that thing finished just in time. We all love to flip through it and looking back at the last 8 years of fatherhood.
not to mention a lot of new pictures of this cutie, who waited patiently in his chair at breakfast while daddy opened presents.

Sidney brought this paper home from daycare about her dad. Oh boy did we laugh....
Just look at question #10....

Ryan admitted "I have never baked anything in my life!" She claims she couldn't think of anything else. But I think she must feel like he is baking with us when he is standing around the kitchen waiting for our creations to be finished :)
Let's take one more look at this crew, aren't they the most adorable things ever!?
Happy Father's Day Ryan!
Although you didn't get your round of golf in the morning (rain, wind and trees down didn't help), we're sure glad to have spent the ENTIRE day with you!

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