Sunday, June 22, 2014

Our chaos

I've mentioned in previous posts just how chaotic our life is these days. And when I loaded up my car last Thursday morning, I had to laugh. It was the perfect picture of our crazy life. 
With activities, sports, field trips, doctor's appointments and 2 working parents, we are B.U.S.Y.
This is what my car looked like that Thursday morning (and really most mornings)..... 

There's Sidney's blue backpack on the floor, filled with her swim suit, field trip shoes (aka: sandals turned tennis shoes) and other trinkets she feels a need to bring with her on her day at school. 
Then we have Regan's pink and brown back pack on the floor. Inside is a lunch, packed the night before including a beverage, all in a cooler style lunch bag because there is no fridge for her to use. She also has a small water bottle in her bag for use throughout her day. Alongside her backpack is her red/white water bottle so she has some cold water for golf clinic, which the summer staff will walk her to/from and ensure she arrives and returns safely to her summer programming. I sensed her softball game would be cancelled due to the downpour or we would've had yet another bag filled with her softball gear and a picnic dinner for all of us to share.
Next is Lincoln's diaper bag. He was off to see the ENT that morning. Inside were a few toys, his breakfast (and a spoon!) that he choose not to eat and I would later feed him while we waited to be called for the doctor. A change of clothes that I'm sure is much to small for him and loads of diapers and wipes. 
I packed my own lunch in that green cooler on the seat. Not exactly healthy on this particular day (oatmeal and some strawberries) as the fridge was running thin and we really needed to get to the grocery store. Thankfully there's a pretty decent cafeteria at the hospital where I can pick up something if needed. I tossed my purse in for good measure, not that there's much in there other than 3 bottles of hand sanitizer, some hair bands for the girls, stray earrings and hopefully my wallet. 
Lincoln's black bag of breast milk, packed with frozen ice packs for his drop off at school later in the day sits in the pile somewhere too.
And my cleaned pump supplies are in another bag. Thank goodness I was able to get another pump this time around so I can leave one in my office and one at home and only lug around a small bag of supplies each day. 
Lastly, I somehow managed to make myself breakfast; though I couldn't eat it on this day because I was driving through one heck of a storm to get to St. Paul for Lincoln's doctor. I think I finally ate it sometime around much for that healthy oatmeal and strawberries. 
Ahh, so there you have it. This is what chaos looks like. But we manage. And we love it.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: Whew.... Breatheeee !😉