Monday, June 16, 2014

Bath time

Lincoln loves bath time. He is growing like a weed and is starting to do a little standing (mostly with some support but he's safe alone for a few seconds to snap a cute picture). He likes to watch the water fill the tub, but I usually put him in long before it's filled because he adores to splash in the running water.
I have this picture without the diaper, but it's just not okay to post on a blog, so you get the G rated version instead.
Those legs are something else, and picture it without a diaper covering most of's a beauty!
 I'm convinced he will be like Regan and skip the whole crawling stage, moving straight to walking.

He is mesmerized by the flowing water. And when I turn it off, I expect him to cry, but he just looks at me like "what happened?" And by then, I'm finished scrubbing him down and rinsing him clean so we move on to a few toys or I scoop him out to move back into the chaos of our sweet family.

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