Friday, June 06, 2014

Progression of Sidney

At 5 years old, Sidney can be pretty intimated by our diving board. She was hesitant last year, but mastered jumping off the board alone, without help or any floatation device. So you can imagine our surprise when she was a wee bit nervous today. Afterall, she was a pro before we closed it up last fall!
But today, she pulled out all the gear she could find for her first jump: goggles, fins, life jacket and a duck floaty. 
And then she stood. 
And stood. 
And stood.

Eventually she jumped in and I cheered and encouraged her and congratulated her for a job well done. 
And then she went for a round two. 
This time she ditched the floaty. 

And after a couple of jumps with the life jacket on, she worked up the courage to jump in with just her goggles. Yea for Sidney!! Here's to a fun summer ahead!

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