Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The middle

Being the middle child has got to be tough. You're not the baby and you aren't the biggest. So you aren't the one everyone thinks is cute and cuddly. And you aren't the one who gets to do big-kid things. But it's a good thing Sidney is so stinking cute and pretty darn mature (most of the time). She's surviving being "the middle", and doing quite well.
This summer, she's been able to go on field trips daily with her summer program (she attends 3 days/week and it just happens to be that all the trips are on her 3 days!). She thinks it's soooo cool to ride the bus, sit with friends and explore all that these cities have to offer... with her friends!
Last weekend, one of her awesome friends invited her along to see a movie. Now this was a first in her book. Not going to the movie, we do that frequently. But going with a friend (and her dad). Boy was she excited! Too bad they also invited Regan, that rained on Sidney's sweet parade. Alas, they had fun.
This middle thing has her teetering between not understanding this big world yet and yet trying to keep up with all that Regan does. Sid makes statements that continue to make us laugh like "what are we doing tomorrow tonight?...wait, that doesn't make sense." and  "I can't swim with a loose tooth"; her very first tooth is just starting to wiggle and she swore it would fall out in the pool. 

And then she is sweet and peaceful as she asks me to sit and rock with her before bedtime (ooooh, does that warm my heart). Too bad she gets sassy and mad and you can practically see the steam coming out of her ears when she storms off, upset that she sassed too far and is being sent to cool off.

Oh our sweet Sid, you are rocking this whole middle child thing and there's no one else we'd rather have as our middle. We love you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: Sweet & sassy. Pretty much wraps her up. Gotta love that. I know we do.