Saturday, June 14, 2014

2nd grade wrap up

With June, comes the end of the school year. And boy are we ready for summer around here!! Regan has worked her tail off in 2nd grade, and earned herself some fun this summer. We are beyond proud of her accomplishments, and will take this post to brag a little about our sweet 8 year old. 
Who by the way, has grown taller by the minute lately! Here she is back in September...

During the "awards" rally, we were able to really see all that she has accomplished this year; and boy are we impressed! 
She improved her MAP testing scores to some pretty high ranks (numbers that mean nothing to most of us). 
She ran the mile in 10:23 minutes and earned National Fitness overall in phy ed class
Her art teacher entered a piece of her artwork to the Bloomington Art Show
Her music teacher invited her to try out for the Angelica Choir (we're still waiting to hear if she made it)

Her amazing homeroom teacher sent home a hand-written letter to each student at the end of the year, and reading it made me tear up. He talked about how she is a sponge in class and how he could always count on her to partner up with any student: the ones who caught on, or the ones who needed help. She took his letter to heart too, and it is now pinned in her bulletin board in her room. Talk about making an impression on a young child. 

I'm telling you, this girl loves to read. So yesterday, after the last bell rang for the school year, it was no surprise that she hopped in the pool with a book. And read. And read. And read. 
Today I pulled out a sheet she was sent home with yesterday (3rd grade high frequency words) just to see what we should work on for the summer.
She breezed through that sucker no problem, reminding me that she does in fact, LOVE to read! 

Here's a little interview we had:
Favorite color: Neon pink
Favorite singer: Taylor Swift
What do you want to be when you grow up: Art teacher
Favorite restaurant: Rain Forest Cafe
Favorite food: Buttered noodles
Favorite sport you play/ed this year: Ice skating
Favorite thing to do with Sidney: Play Barbies
Favorite thing to do with Lincoln: Play with his toys
Summer goals: "to eat as much candy as possible", on a more serious note "read everyday"

She suckered me into buying her a donut as we celebrate the end of 2nd grade.
Congratulations kiddo, we are so proud of you! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great job, keep up the good work. We are very proud of you. GJ