Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tap shoes to ball fields

I've realized that May is my least favorite month when it comes to glancing at our daily calendar. Turns out, the sports seasons overlap in May and it's been pure chaos for us. Tonight after the busy day at the zoo, dear Regan had to dash down to the local high school for dress rehearsal and then rip off that snazzy costume and climb into her softball garb to hit the fields. I was tired just thinking about it! 
So we got all dolled up, and loved every second of that big poof in her hair, adorable curls in the back and layered skirt. 
 That's her in the middle, on stage, hamming it up!
 Sid gets to come along for the ride, and thankfully had some company from our neighbors to keep her busy at softball tonight. Otherwise I tend to hear "I"m hungry" over and over and over again. I swear she has a tapeworm inside that belly. She should weigh well over 50 lbs with all that she eats!! 
 Oh just look at that catcher!! Let's just say this is NOT her most favorite position to play. She covered her face with nearly every pitch, fearing the ball would smack her in the face. After the inning, coach came up to her and tossed a ball directly at her chest. Now she knows it doesn't hurt :) She said to me "but there's a hole in the top of the mask, what if the ball comes right there and goes through it?!". For the life of me, I was not going to convince her the ball was much too large for that hole. Instead, I would suspect coach should place her in the field as a better option. 
We are soaking up this opportunity to expose her to various activities, letting her explore and choose what she likes to do. She is such a laid back-try anything type of girl it's been hard for her to quit anything! But seriously, we have swimming, dance, gymnastics and softball already! Eventually we will add many others including golf, tennis, golf, volleyball, golf (if daddy and grandma Jan have their way!). 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ says she is all for the golf. Can't wait to practice with her.