Monday, May 28, 2012

Toothless grin

BEWARE: Not for those with a weak stomach!
Regan lost her 3rd tooth this morning. It was traumatic as she bit into her breakfast and the whole table heard a nail-across-the-chalkboard kinda crunch and suddenly, a shriek. Blood dripped from her tooth as it dangled from her gums. Ryan quivered reliving the crunch sound as I applied a wet rag to the tearful girl. She then pushed the wiggly tooth with her tongue and it flipped out of her mouth into her lap! Viola! Time for the tooth fairy!
At nap time, she asked "I wonder if the tooth fairy will come at nap time?", knowing this could possibly influence her nap I replied "well that means you have to take a really good nap".
With a two plus hour nap under her belt, the tooth fairy showed up!
Boy o boy was she happy to show me that big five dollar bill for such a traumatic event!
Then tonight at bed time, after she spent about 15 seconds brushing her teeth, she announced "it doesn't take as long to brush my teeth now because i don't have to brush the missing one".

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