Sunday, May 06, 2012


Regan will perform in a dance recital at the beginning of June and her hair is expected to be in a specific style along with "super curly". So we set out to buy some curlers and today she begged to practice with them. So after bath this afternoon I put them in her hair, only to let her know they needed to stay in ALL night long in order to work.
Well, our friends were coming for dinner and despite claiming she didn't care what she looked like, she ended up in tears when the doorbell rang and insisted I take out all of the curlers.
I must admit, they do make a person look a wee bit funny. She managed to smile and laugh as I told her the story of having to show up to high school wearing these things for a trip to the state danceline competition so many years ago. Yes, I was dropped off at school wearing those things!!


Anonymous said...

Gj says: final results picture ?

Kari Wendinger said...

I remember very well!!!