Saturday, May 26, 2012

Out with the old, in with the new

Back in January, Ryan told me that for my birthday, I should buy myself the camera I had my eye on for the past several years. I didn't even bother going to the store. I couldn't imagine spending the money on a camera when the basic point and shoot camera that I had worked perfectly. Fast forward to our recent vacation . We had no longer landed, drove to the beach and SMACK, my lovely camera was making impact with my heel and then the ground, falling roughly 3 feet in total (for those of you who care, yes, it did remove skin from my heel and gave me one heck of a bruise!). Anyway, the poor camera also lost its face though we managed to use the mangled equipment for the next several days. I did, however, now have great reasons to make my birthday present purchase.  
So yesterday, I did just that!
Learning to use a new camera, one much more elaborate than my point and shoot, is not an easy task.
I find myself playing with it at every free moment.
Sid had a rough day today so pictures of her are sparse, but Regan was a wonderful model.

 Anytime, I'd ask her, she would look in my direction and allow me to take a picture. Even when she was mid-play.

She still wasn't sick of my requests by early afternoon, turning her head and allowing me to work with a different lens from across the room. 
 I'm clueless still and found this blurry shot....ASHLEY help!
 Oh but does it take some amazing close up shots. It's going to take me a lot longer to get through parks and flower gardens now!
 Nope, still not tired of my "look at mom" :) Her smiles faded by 8pm, and she was deep in memories while looking at her Kindergarten Year Book, but she was still a willing participant!
Tomorrow we celebrate Ryan's birthday with a pool party in the 90 degree heat, I hope to get in a lot more camera practice.

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