Sunday, May 06, 2012

Practice Practice

This week in school, Regan will practice running around the track (and getting timed). It's not the mile run, they will start that in 1st grade. It's just a single lap around. So last night, I took the girls to the track and had her practice. She did great! She finished lap one in 2:45, and asked to go a second lap that she finished in 3:15. She was so excited to learn she had just run a 1/2 mile! Today we watched a good friend run a 1/2 marathon and when I told Regan that our friend had just ran 52 laps, her jaw dropped. And then she said "I want to go practice running!" So off we go again!

And yes, Sidney joined us for our run. However, given all the rain lately, she was overcome with fear when she saw worms on the track. She insisted one had crawled into her shoe and made me carry her as we ran around the track. I'm sure that was quite the sight. We climbed into the car afterwards and she was feeling creep-crawly full of worms; she hysterically screamed for me to take off her shoes because there just had to be worms in them!! I finally pulled them off her flailing feet and she immediately kicked off her socks before breathing a sigh of relief to discover she was without worms. 
Her hysteria was slightly comical, but she insists we have creepy crawly worms in every room of the house and the poor child is petrified now! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gj says: love the skirt.