Friday, May 04, 2012

Another Friday

I long for Fridays. The day of the week that I have off from my paid job (one that I really really love).  The day of the week that I get to spend catching up with an energetic 3 year old. The day of the week that she and I get to spend volunteering at Regan's school. And today, the day of the week that I got to spend pool side :)
Here's a recap of a typical Friday, courtesy of my iPhone because I sadly managed to leave the camera behind.
Dear Sidney woke around 6:30 this morning, this after having trouble falling asleep at bedtime and struggling with a super short nap yesterday. I knew I needed to keep her happy and busy or we'd have a really L-O-N-G morning. She asked to visit a park after we dropped off Regan for school.
So off to the park we went:

From the park we headed back to school (a tad late) and got to be a part of the volunteer recognition day. Our late arrival meant we didn't have to sit on stage, something I wasn't super interested in anyway. Listen to the school sing a wonderful song of THANKS to all the volunteers. Great job kids!

Sidney and I stopped back home for an hour break and she asked to go for a walk. That usually means "I'd like to ride my _____(insert ride on toy) and you walk next to me" so imagine my excitement when she asked to get into the jogging stroller. I knew she was growing tired when she had that request. And I jumped at the opportunity to get a little excercise while she was content to just relax with her hands drapped up on the visor, as we jammed to some tunes. She was so cute as she bopped along, singing the words she sort of knows.  

Then it was time to go back to school and prepare for Friday Stations. This was our last Friday Station for the year and boy am I glad we had the opportunity to help out this year. I have gotten a chance to truly get to know Regan's classmates by spending so much time inside the class working with the students. And Sidney, well, she fits right in (notice her sitting to the left of Regan in the picture below as they listen to instructions). Regan's teacher adores Sidney, loves her sassy sweet, attitude, her adorable clothes, her energy and the love she shows to her big sister. Sid can't wait to have her own Friday Stations, and sometimes I catch her in imaginary play pretending to be the teacher during "Friday Stations".  

And guess what time it is now.............

Yep, it's NAP TIME!!!!!

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