Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tree trimming

We are fortunate to have a family member who likes, no wait, LOVES power tools! Uncle Shane came over this afternoon to help trim a tree that causes a thorn in our side during summer. Like a kid in a candy store, that man is, loving the noise of his chain saw.

Here's the tree, before any work started. See the branches on the far left? They stretch over the pool, causing eager squirrels to sit upon them and grab acorns, dropping shells into the pool below. Ouch.
Once these two woke from nap, they immediately asked to sit outside and watch the boys work. Snackin' on "cocorn".
So long branches. Annoying squirrels will need to sit somewhere else this summer!
Bubbles kept us occupied for quite a long time, not to mention at a safe distance on the opposite side of the pool from the tree.
And the best part,
no major injuries to report
(nothing a band aide or two couldn't fix).
Thanks again Shane for all of your work today! We really appreciate it.

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