Sunday, April 03, 2011

Easter weekend

It was a weekend gearing up for Easter in this house. We started off Friday afternoon by pulling out all the decorations and spreading them around the house. This is a new experience as this will be the first Easter in our new home. It's been fun with each holiday, finding places for all the seasonal frames, candles, knick-knacks, etc. The girls simply love it! Plus they found their Easter baskets with the empty eggs and now tote them throughout the house and add them to every make-believe scenario.
This morning, we headed to the movie Hop which really speaks "Easter Bunny"! Regan was in the mood to decorate eggs so tonight we pulled out the coloring and had a great time...enjoy the photos!


Hudson and Paxton said...

Glad to see Sidney could handle the smell this year :)

Ryan, Liz Regan and Sidney said...

Funny you mentioned that, Regan did too! We found a different vinegar required! I think I'll post a side by side from last year just to remember :)