Friday, April 08, 2011


Not far down the street, is yet another super fun park. All night the girls talked about going to this park in the morning, and let's just say it was a great motivator to get them to behave through the grocery store this morning! They were fantastic just walking along side the cart, pointing out various items. Heavenly!
Once we made it to the park, Sidney couldn't move fast enough into the playground area. Yea for spring!
Regan, on the other hand, noticed that her younger sister wasn't wearing the traditional spring jacket but rather a windbreaker. She pouted and proclaimed "IT'S NOT FAIR!". Oh boy, she was not happy. Thankfully we had the park to ourselves so I let her pout.
Sid was oblivious to her sister's pouting, she was in her glory and quickly pointed out the benches and said "sit here mommy!". Oh what a difference a year makes. Last year at this time, I was anxiously chasing her up those steep stairs. Now I get to watch from below.
Regan continued pouting, finding a spot under a slide to be upset.
Crocs and wood chips don't go well together. Lesson learned, or at least I hope.
After a bit, she started to move away from the slide, although the pouting continued.
But then Regan found the tire swing and forgot all about the issues with the jackets and "IT'S NOT FAIR!".
Grandma Jan will not like this one. But our little Sidney is a climber, and a brave one at that. She asked for assistance the first time, and then was off on her own, yelling just to be sure I was watching her!
Not to be left behind, Regan found a place to climb too. And Grandma Jan REALLY won't like this one! She's off the ground about 4-5 feet, hanging on for dear life!
And after about 40 minutes running around, they shed those (unfair) jackets, because it is spring and it is warm after all :)


Hudson and Paxton said...

I love the pony tail on Sid!

Anonymous said...

GJ says: Why can't they stay on the ground. At least I won't have to climb up. I too love the ponytail.