Brace yourself, I took a lot of pictures on Easter this year. We'll start it off with the family picture and a cute "awwww!" because it actually turned out :)

Regan likes to get so serious when we ask her to take a picture. You'd think she went to modeling school and learned not to smile with her mouth open!
Ok, back to waking up and Easter baskets and all that jazz. The girls woke up, walked to the couch and zoned out on a DVD for a bit before Sidney walked past the Easter baskets for the 3rd time and stopped to stare. Regan quickly joined in on the action to discover what Mr. EB had left for them.
Regan's favorite was a new PINK bike helmet. The girl stopped wanting to ride her bike because her helmet was grey. Oh dear. Sidney's favorite of the year was a doll that swims in the pool! Can't wait to try that one.
We got ready for church and headed out the door (and as much as I wanted to take pictures in church, I refrained. But our church is beautifully decorated with flowers every spring). The girls received lots of compliments on their adorable yellow dresses and a mom even came up to ask me where I found them because she wanted to get her girls' yellow dresses!
Grandma Sheri and Pampa along with the girls.
All morning long we saw Regan doing this as she peeked into the yard to see if she could spot the eggs left by Mr. EB. She could hardly wait through church for that egg hunt to begin.
and their off!!
This was a priceless picture: "I found one!"
After every discovery, she yelled for someone.
And it was a 70+ egg hunt!!
Grandma Jan and Papa with the girls
After a delicious lunch (thanks Papa for cooking!), opening presents, playing with presents and sitting in the sun, Pampa decided "all that Easter celebration makes me tired"...
night night!
Regan and Amy went to bask in the sun. We laughed so hard because Regan would keep looking at Amy as though she was wondering "are we still doing this?"
Apparently too much time together makes you start to act silly :)
Later in the afternoon, we all convinced Ryan that now, with all of the people at the house, it was a good time to uncover the pool. And before I could grab my camera, they were pulling off the tarp!
Dipping toes in the pool, what a great way to end the perfect Easter!
Thanks again to the grandparents and Shane/Amy for all
of the wonderful treats, presents, food and fun times yesterday!
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