Sunday, July 20, 2014

Valleyfair 2014

We did our annual Valleyfair outing this week. And it proved exciting once again. At 54", Regan is now tall enough to go on virtually every ride and did so without hesitation. New for her this year was Steel Venom and Power Tower. She has already loved all the roller coasters for a year or two. We don't have to force her onto rides, there's no "strong encouragement" on our part. In fact, I tried talking her out of Steel Venom! Oh, but she loves them all. And it makes us proud and excited about her growing up. She got off Steel Venom and was pretty shaken; not eager to go on it again that day, but said she'll do it again next time!

 And while the adults took turns taking Regan on rides (thank you Jamie, Ashley, Logan and Ryan), I spent the bulk of the day chasing around with these 3 (plus Harlow and Lincoln). I had two grandmas to help so it really wasn't much work at all. Unfortunately, Sidney wishes that she was tall enough for the coasters, but it'll be a couple of years I think.
Thankfully, I think they still had a ton of fun!

Lincoln was content in the stroller throughout the day. We took breaks in the family center to change and feed in their private rooms (that was an awesome discovery!). He was all smiles after scoring Ryan's water bottle and played with that thing patiently for probably an hour. 

We can't be sure if the girls like the rides or the jumbo Icees better. Honestly, they get them every year and this time, each got 3 refills! We don't tell them that Ryan and I sneak a drink while they are on rides :) Shhh!

Harlow and Lincoln took it all in. I couldn't resist taking a quick picture as Harlow tried to hold Lincoln's hand from the stroller. Gosh they're some cuties!

Paxton and Ryan were twinsies for the day, both dressed in orange shirts and navy shorts. I think they planned it :) 

This crew is getting older and older and it has been a treat to watch them have more and more fun each year. While I took Regan on the Corkscrew, she asked a question that I knew would be coming soon: "when can I go to Valleyfair with friends?". I'm guessing it'll be coming sooner than later. 

Thanks for another great day at Valleyfair! 

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