Friday, July 25, 2014

this is life

Life in our house can be crazy at times. With each kid needing their own type of attention, it's hard to keep everything straight. Regan has activities galore and that means practices, paperwork and parents/coaches to keep in touch with. Sidney is busy with field trips during her summer program and that means keeping track of what she needs each day (Regan has this same thing but they are going in 2 different directions). Sidney has loads of friends that she begs to have over daily, and we continue trying to prep her for kindergarten this fall. She is B.U.S.Y. And then there's Lincoln, who quite frankly, requires the most attention. There's feedings (breastfeeding is demanding I tell ya and I have fed him in some very not-so-conventional locations), diapers, bath time, playtime, milestones to reach, teething issues and he's in the thick of the attachment phase. But this life that we are living makes us so very happy. Each and every day. 

Because who isn't happy to watch a baby sleep....and a chubby baby at that. 

Or watch as your 5 year old takes over the responsibility of netting the pool (because she's a bit like her parents and finds it disgusting to be swimming with bugs or leaves)

And then squeal with delight when you see your kiddos having the best summer ever! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: Love the picture, oh what fun she is having.