Monday, July 28, 2014

Lincoln at 9 months

Oh my word, Lincoln is 9 months old!
He's been outside as long as he was inside of my womb. Gosh this boy of ours warms our hearts like none other. He's sweet as can be and the easiest thing around. But I didn't want everyone to think he doesn't come without emotions....because he does. So I posted a few *emotional* pictures too.
Sure he cries, but not often and not for long. At least in comparison to what we knew before him (ahem...Regan and Sidney!). Those two were tough, especially Sidney. Talk about an emotional mess that girl was....maybe she still is a wee bit emotional!
Not Lincoln. He's calm and easy.
Almost all of the time.

And he has the biggest, sweetest, dark eyes on the planet. He flashes them at you, sometimes with tears and my heart simply melts.

But it doesn't take long and those crocodile tears disappear and he's back to being as happy as can be. His smiles come easy these days. And giggles are contagious. He's got a thing for mama and reaches for me when I'm around. Oh how I love this stage, the one where he desires certain people/things and lunges at them in hopes of succeeding. 

At 9 months:
* he's happy as can be sitting or laying on his back; very little movement on his part. he can twist around when laying on his back just by lifting and slamming his legs to the floor.
* enjoys standing, holding onto things and has started to break my back by taking steps while holding my hands. Sure glad we have Regan for this stage....her height will come in handy as he starts to really learn to walk!
* loves to be pushed in his swing, or sit with me and swing on our deck swing. I often will sing to him and he just gazes up at me while we swing back and forth.
* continues to nurse 5 times/day, or take a bottle that I have pumped of roughly 5-6 oz/feeding.
* eating stage 2 baby food plus puffs and yogurt melts. Eating more and more table food (fish, cheese---LOVES cheese!, bread, fruits, etc)
* has warmed up to the pool and gets right in and chills in his inflatable raft while chewing on dive sticks.
* is content playing with whatever is utensils, a random Tupperware cover, an unused diaper, you name it, he will examine it and ultimately clap it against his other hand and then the ground.
* recently started giving "five" and waving bye-bye.
* dishes out the best slobbery kisses we could ask for! like washing your face in drool!
* has 6 teeth. SIX! And he uses them all....sometimes while nursing. owie.
* naps 3 times/day: AM, PM and early evening, then down for the night 10pm-7am. Lately has been waking for his nuk. Still sleeping in the cradle next to our bed.
* wears 12 mo clothes and size 3 diapers (pampers cruisers are fitting great)
* weight 22 lbs 12 oz (so has actually lost an ounce in the last month!): 91st percentile
* height 29.5": 91st percentile. He is now 1/2 inch away from growing out of his infant car seats :(
* he is the sweetest, most smiley baby around and we love him to pieces!

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