Monday, July 14, 2014

Diving board tricks

These girls crack me up. With Lincoln on a much more predictable schedule, we have been able to take full advantage of his afternoon naps and soak up some pool time. I started my second of three summer 10 day vacations from work last Friday and we have some big plans to make the most of those 10 days. It started with a trip to AirMaxx (trampoline place) and then an afternoon in the pool. Sidney was making some silly faces, claiming to be a bird, or frog, or dog, or ____ (insert any other animal), as she jumped. 

She was really starting to catch some air! 

And then tried her luck at a cannonball. Of which she has no idea what she is doing. 
Her thought is to make a splash and ensure that anyone around the pool gets a laugh out of her. 
It works :) 

Regan had fun being silly and showing off for the camera. Most of her moves entailed doing some sort of dance move while jumping. They don't always work well but she finds herself to be hilarious.
And as long as they are happy, I'm happy!
Now if only Ryan had as much vacation built up this summer :( Hopefully next year! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: enjoy your time off, hope the weather warms up for you.