Friday, December 07, 2012

St. Nick's Day / Disney on Ice

St. Nicholas stopped at our house Wednesday during the night (click his name to see more about who he is). The girls woke on Thursday to find Ellie the Elf waiting to watch them open their gifts :) They delighted in the books, Hello Kitty tumblers, fancy pens and art projects. We actually skip the tradition of candy because frankly, what kid needs candy!?
(and no, Sidney doesn't need winter pajamas. she refuses to wear the 7 that are in her drawer. and in all honesty, the sweat hog would probably roast overnight so we oblige and let her wear summer PJ's all winter long).

Thursday night, Grandma Sheri took us girls to Disney on Ice. It was supposed to be their St. Nick present from Grandma, but of course, she had to come up with a jumbo bag of presents for each girl too. They're pretty spoiled lucky! 

This wasn't one of my more favorite Disney on Ice shows, to me it was a little less entertaining. The girls both really enjoyed it and I know that's more important. Sidney's face just lit up when two characters did cartwheels on the ice! Her face was priceless when she looked up at me and gasped! 

We had a great St. Nick's day, and hope you did too! 

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