Sunday, December 09, 2012

Let it snow, let it snow, let it....

wait, what did I just say? 
living in Minnesota my entire life, it's no secret that this white stuff is not on my " reasons I love it here". But alas, I will put up with it because to see and hear these two giggling for hours on end is worth it in my book. I'm just not at all excited about dealing with this stuff for the next 8 days or so, but, I will survive and we will make the best of it. 

Today we spent over 2 hours playing outside. Sledding, coloring snow, sledding and rolling around laughing. 
They were figuring out the best plan of attack with Ryan's childhood archaic black sled.

It's best to go two at a time in that sled. Twice the giggles and twice the speed!

Each day when we arrive home, the girls ask if they can give the snowman, reindeer and hippo a hug. It's Ryan's least favorite thing to hear, because the lights then have a tendency to become undone and he has to go fix them :) 
Today when I asked the girls to sit next to the animals for a picture, they were in their glory because it meant more hugs to the wire-looking things.
Sorry Ryan...."can you please go out and fix the snowman's head? He's not lighting up and I have no idea why!"

Yes, I realize, the heaviness of today's many many inches of snow was beautiful. It always is an incredible sight. The first snowfall. Fresh snow to cover up the brown. Yes, it's pretty, but in 3 weeks, I'll be ready for it to go away and give way to spring. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ says: did you say 8 days, no wait 3 weeks, or will it be the next 3 months. Boo hoo......