Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Meet Ellie

Ellie came fluttering in the other day, a bit of a rough landing for that parachute. She got hung up on the TV and the poor gal hung out all day long :) 

It's our first year with the Elf, but with all the ideas floating around on Pinterest, I couldn't resist! She's a gem of a gal and keeps watch over every move that the girls make. Regan is soooo into her. She wakes up each morning and wanders around the house searching for her "where is she mom!?" calling out for help. Sidney's not as in tune, and prefers to pick on Regan by walking past Ellie and touching her (the book warns not to touch her or she loses her magic power to fly back to Santa). Boy that makes Regan's blood boil "DON'T TOUCH HER!". That proved difficult as she didn't stay hung up on the TV very well....shhh!
The she sat quietly at the table appearing as though she had breakfast all ready for us, her bowl filled with cereal. 

She's been off and running on the American Girl horse too! 
Oh all the places she will go this month! She's not just "on a shelf" in this house, she's everywhere!, and I'm loving the "magic" she is bringing to our home. 

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