Saturday, December 22, 2012

Class Winter Party 2012

Regan's first grade class held their winter party on Friday. I adore volunteering and this year, my volunteer job is to take pictures of the class for the yearbook...I kinda like that job :) Don't worry, I take more pictures than of Regan that get submitted to the yearbook. 

They changed it up a bit for this party and took all 4 first grade classes to various stations around the school rather than staying within your own class and separating into 4 small groups. 
So that meant 21 kids diving for "snowballs" for the start of the snowball fight!

Who knew balled up white socks could be so much fun!! The class had a blast tossing the balls at this innocent photographer.

Gosh this is a good looking bunch of first graders. They have a LOT of energy but listen so very well to their fantastic teacher who loves them each to pieces. 

 The "bobbing for donut" station cracked me up. It was a hoot!
Regan chased that mini donut in circles before realizing she needed to get it from below. I couldn't contain my laughter and ended up in tears it was so funny.  

What's a party without crafts. Each child created their own beautiful masterpiece to bring home to their tree. Awww, so cute :) 

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