Sunday, December 23, 2012

Santa Christmas

It's been a busy month for this house. With Christmas on the horizon, we've been busy baking, celebrating, shopping and loving up on each other. Last night, after dinner with Aunt Amy, we came home and found a note next to our dear Ellie the Elf. It read that Santa was coming!! 
And so we went to sleep and sometime in the middle of the night....this happened: 

We heard Regan waking up first this morning. Amazingly it was just after 7am. Unfortunately, she was in tears. She couldn't put it into words, but later informed me "I'm sad because Ellie left". It broke my heart as tears welled up in her eyes. She really loved searching for that sweet elf every morning. And me too! 
She wiped away her tears when she started to unwrap the biggest present ever (insert: THANK YOU Santa's two brave elves for putting together this easel before wrapping it! those are some super smart parents,  elves!)

Christmas is so great. I love watching their faces and expressions as they discover what is inside each and every present. With stinky breath and bed head, I love them so very much. 

Look at Sidney's face!! She was sooooo excited about her gift from Regan :) It's several pairs of dangling earrings. Big sis things she'll love them! 

Santa knows the girls love their gymnastics classes and delivered some personalized leotards; Sidney decked out her doll in the Santa hat too. Fitting for the day!

Our biggest surprise to the girls, was a second American Girl doll! Talk about a last minute surprise. We didn't make the final decision on this present until 10 hours prior. And so, we wrapped up a picture of the many AG dolls for sale and wrote them a note letting them know that we were heading to the mall so they could pick out new dolls! 
They were over the moon elated. 
Merry Christmas girls! Mommy and daddy love you so very much! 

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