Sunday, October 25, 2015

MN Largest Candy Store

Each fall, we make a stop at Minnesota's Largest Candy store. When we started doing everything fall related, the girls asked when we were going to the candy store. It warms my heart that they love all of the traditions we have started with this little family of ours. 

My favorite part is always the rows and rows of pumpkins which create a wonderful photo op. We were a little worried they wouldn't have many seeing as though it's only 1 week from Halloween, but this place never disappoints. 

Once we ventured inside, we nearly lost the girls in a sea of candy. We had to help them pick out some hard to find candy like Big League Chew and candy cigarettes :) Yes, we bought them. This mama's boy clung onto my hip which was fine by me making the visit much more enjoyable. He loved all of the decorations more than the candy! We bought lots of root beer, peanut logs, beef jerky, a funnel cake (to make our own!) and candy, candy, candy! 

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