Saturday, June 02, 2012

Dance recital 2012

 Regan participated in the spring dance recital this evening, and what a night it was! All 4 grandparents joined us and cheered her on as she performed a tap dance to "Hot Wings" from the movie Rio.
They had some snazzy dance costumes, oversized feathers and all. 
 She had a little attitude (just as she was supposed to) and did very well on stage. 
Big TA-DA at the end! 
 All the while, sweet Sidney cheered her on. She just loved watching the recital (granted we only stayed for the first half of the 3.5 hour show....yes, that's THREE AND A HALF! hours!!!). Wowzas. She sat, perched high on her chair like this picture below for over an hour, clapping along at the end of every song. She even got to climb up on stage for the Hokey Pokey and then crossed her arms in disgust when she realized i hadn't brought her tap shoes! Next year, she is insisting to attend lessons as well. 
Nice work Regan!! You were amazing and we love to watch you perform!

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