Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sidney recently

We are just 10 days shy of having a 3 year old in the house. Everyday, and I mean EVERYDAY, she makes us laugh. And not just us, but anyone who stops over. The girl is really quite hilarious. The things she says, her mannerisms, and her cute voice have us doubling over most days. She is just one funny girl. She is very matter-of-fact in telling us things, which just adds to it. We love that girl to pieces.
Her voice is something else. I am asked at least 4-5 times/week if she has a cold. No, she doesn't have a cold, she just has that adorable raspy voice that I so love. I've grown so accustomed to it that I don't really "hear" the raspy-ness anymore. But our friends do. Click HERE to listen to it, and you can be the judge.
The other thing I am constantly asked you curl her hair to get it to look like that? Um, NO! I do not curl this squiggly, squirmy, can't-sit-still 2 year old hair. But thanks for asking, I like her perfect "Nellie" curls.

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