Friday, August 12, 2011

Parenting lessons

I'm learning that sometimes, Ryan and I have to do a little better with our parenting, doesn't every parent want to be better sometimes? When there's a strong-willed 2 year old involved, life is sometimes trying. There's the sweet, loving little girl and then there's the demanding, whiny side. Lately it's been a lot of the latter. Occasionally, when Sidney asks for something and the answer is "no", she whines. Not just a little, but A LOT. And occasionally, we give in. Because frankly, it's just easier.
Well, someone's been watching that "giving in"......
Here's a little background on the story: last week, in the car while Ryan was driving, the girls asked for a mint from my purse. I obliged and gave them each a mint (despite the fact that Sidney will ALWAYS spit out the mint stating it is too spicy). However, Sid wanted to pick out her own mint, not take the one from my hand. In an effort to avoid a melt-down, I gave her the tin and she picked out her own. Fast forward to today. The 3 of us left the grocery store parking lot and they asked for a mint. Fine, have a mint. So I dug in my purse, grabbed them a mint and handed them to the back seat. Sid screamed saying she wanted to pick out her own. My purse is no longer in my lap, I'm driving and it's not a good idea to start rummaging around. I said "no. You get what you get and you don't throw a fit" (we say that a lot). She was quiet, grabbed the mint and I thought to myself "Sweet!, no whining". Alas, not the end of the story. Regan proceeds to lean over and tell Sidney "just keep whining and you'll get to pick it out yourself".

Ahh, smarty pants Regan. Not cool. So not cool.

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