Sunday, August 21, 2011


Regan's classroom has some fun technology that allows the kids to grow up and learn about computers, hand held devices and video games (there are clear limits to these activities in terms of time, games, etc). Nothing like the classrooms we had growing up, but things are different and we are embracing technology and the fun it brings.
One of her most favorite (technology-focused) activities has been playing the Wii at school; because the games surround dancing...always. My guess is that we are asking Santa to bring us a Wii this Christmas. However, in the meantime, I got resourceful and did a search on YouTube. Viola. Wii online.
So in between arts/crafts, toys in the toy room and swimming, Regan is constantly begging to to "play" the Wii. Funny thing is, she isn't holding a controller and yet she says "mom, I just started the song and look how many points I already have"! Here's a picture, and click HERE or HERE for videos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ssounds like Cotton-eyed Joe. GJ