Sunday, August 14, 2011

Weekend fun.

This weekend, we headed to New Ulm to celebrate Uncle Ben's MN reception. It was a busy and exhausting weekend and I'm guessing everyone will sleep well tonight.
Saturday morning, I was fortunate to golf with Ryan, Ben and Jason while Regan/Sidney were in good hands getting a golf ride with Papa. I haven't swung a club in nearly 6 years so it was definitely interesting. But on my first drive of the day, I hit it past Ryan's ball, and the words out of my mouth were "like riding a bike". Ryan just laughed because he knew my second shot was unlikely to turn out as well.
The girls thoroughly enjoyed the cart ride, asking for more and more and more throughout the day.
Thankfully the reception was just inside the club house so we weren't late for the event :) Here is MN meets MD all over again.
And when you start celebrating at 11am, well, let's just say the "jazz hands" come out in full force! Sheena was tired of looking at cute smiles and insisted on a fun photo, she always knows how to make me laugh!
Ah yes, more golf cart rides for these two cuties. Thankfully, I worked at this course for nearly 10 years and know it like the back of my hand. I'm still pretty good at navigating around and weaving in/out of golfers without getting killed by a flying golf ball.
And what trip to New Ulm is complete without a walk up to the top of Herman the German?! The girls just love to go up there and lit up when we announced where we were headed.

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