Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Life with 3 kiddos

One might think that life with 3 kids would have us looking like Regan in the picture below. Fortunately for us, my lack of blogging is only due to my desires to spend every second with those 3 beautiful faces. So what have we all been up to.....

Regan: She's about to turn 8 years old. Eight. Years. Old. Where oh where has that time gone? She is doing wonderfully in school, although continues to be a bit chatty. As for her activities, she really likes to try it all. She stays busy with dance (tap/jazz/ballet), ice skating lessons, gymnastics and most recently, is on the swim team. Those activities have us running all across the metro, but man alive, is it fun to watch. She will perform in a winter dance recital at the end of the month and it's one of my most favorite recitals to watch (it's the same show each year, but as the kids get older, the dances they perform change). She's really worried about not knowing her dances, so she's taking these classes seriously. Her skating ability has grown tenfold and she truly enjoys lacing up her skates. She's working on front handsprings in gymnastics and as I help her practice, I'm getting lessons in this skill too! As for swimming, it might be the most impressive sport. Maybe it's because Ryan and I can't do the butterfly, but watching her perfect this difficult stroke is incredible. When we have the chance to lounge around at home, she likes to watch movies, the Disney Channel, play on the iPad and create masterpieces on her rainbow loom. Ryan most recently taught her to scoot around the house using not one, but TWO scooters simultaneously. This is quite the sight and I secretly tried it today when no one else was around!  

Sidney: What can I say about this little spit-fire? She is just that, a full of energy, ball of fun, spit-fire. Shane said it best when he visited, the things that come out of her mouth are down-right funny, gut-busting hilarious at times....but someday it's going to get her in trouble! The other day we played a game together and I lost. She stood up, danced around (even whipped out a lasso dance) singing "I won, I won, I won.....you lost!" So much for lessons on being a good sport! 
Sid keeps us busy with gymnastics and swimming also. She is working on handstand bridge kick-overs and her little body is incredibly strong and flexible. She's a ball of muscle that girl. During swimming, she works on front crawls and side breaths. It's a must for her to be a confident swimmer this summer and she's well on her way. She is our active child, with endless energy and an attitude that has us asking "where did she get that from?".  She has an amazing imagination; so much that even Regan begs to play with her during imaginative play. Her favorite toys currently are fairies (Tinkerbell and friends) and Barbies...or better yet, combining these two loves of hers.  

 Lincoln: he's what we have been told is called "the take-along baby". You know, the kid that you 'take along' to all those activities for the above children. And he is quite the sport. He rarely fusses and is just a happy, easy-going baby. I've said it a hundred times, he is our easy-button. When we have the chance, one of us is snuggling him on the couch. I have logged hours on end just cuddling him. I don't ever want to look back and be sad that I didn't take enough time to snuggle or cuddle. He will fall asleep in my arms any chance he has and I simply love it. At swimming, at gymnastics or wherever we are, he's in my arms. Eventually he wears tired of the action in front of him and gently falls asleep. He's busy working on tummy time (pictured below) and is our shining star at this skill. He also smiles and laughs and coos like nobody's business. I honestly hold conversations with him of back and forth cooing. Ryan thinks this is beyond hilarious, listening to Lincoln coo and talk for a very long time. 

so there you have it. An update on the kiddos. We are happy, we are healthy and we are enjoying every second of life with our newest member who seems to fit right in around here. 

1 comment:

Hudson and Paxton said...

Last picture of Lincoln....oh my goodness, it's Regan!!