Wednesday, January 01, 2014

2013: A year in review

As I look back at the thousands of pictures taken in 2013, I'm caught thinking about how we've all grown over the last year in the fun we had as a family. There were countless adventures, parties and experiences and I can't help but think how lucky we are to have three precious children that make our days full. 
Oh we have our moments, of course. But at the end of the day, as we tuck everyone into bed, we thank our lucky stars to be a family. So, here is a glimpse of our 2013 A year in Review:

January: ice castles. 
This was a unique experience for me and the girls, something they have never seen before. It was cold and awesome all wrapped up into 20 minutes of awe. 

February: Regan's 7th birthday. 
We hosted a slew of Regan's fellow first grade friends for a hair/nails/candy bar/pinata party, during a snow storm nonetheless! I can't tell you how much of a wonderful experience it was. She has some amazing friends, as do I. If it weren't for some great parents' help, I wouldn't have pulled this one off.  
February was also the month we found out we were pregnant with Lincoln. It was a month of secrets and so much fun to share that experience with each other. 

March: Our first picture of Lincoln, at just 9 weeks. Seeing the heartbeat pitter patter away is an experience to remember. Tears of joy were sure flowing between both of us and the u/s tech. She's been with us through some painful days and the joy in her voice is one I will never forget as she announced our healthy baby. 

April: Regan with her amazing teacher and student teacher. 
Holy buckets these two teachers are wonderful. Words cannot describe their patience and love for children. Regan had her music program in April and these two were so proud of their class and all they had accomplished over the school year. 

May: from sunny California we sent our love back to Minnesota. 
A week in California for our family vacation was something the girls will remember forever. From beaches to Disney and pools to zoos; vacations are just never long enough. The girls keep asking when we can go back to Cali. 

June: Hope's graduation. 
I am beyond-words-proud of my oldest Godchild, Hope on her graduation from high school. She is now an adult and enjoying her time in college. She is an amazing role model for our girls and they sure enjoy spending any time they can with her. She held her party at Herman in New Ulm and what kid doesn't like scaling the sides of Herman the German, that view is spectacular!

July: we made a babysitter out of Shane!
Shane spent the summer with us and got to spend an entire day babysitting the girls in July, something I'm sure they will all remember forever. What babysitter lets you throw pancakes in the street?!...or better yet, pancakes at his beloved TRUCK! The bond between him and the girls grew exponentially this summer and the cheers I would hear ("Shane's home!") got louder and louder as summer went on. 

August: another trip to the cabin. 
To put it bluntly, the girls LIVE for this trip. Year after year we have been going to the cabin at the end of August/beginning of September with the Wallner family. They get to play with extended cousins, fish and be kids outdoors. I love the laid back feeling of this trip. There is no cleaning to be done, no laundry to fold and no yard work to do. We spend our days chatting in the sunshine, playing lawn games, swimming and fishing. There really is nothing better!

September: Sidney turned 5
Among pumpkin patches and the start of fall colors, we celebrated Sidney's 5th birthday with a pool party. She invited some of her friends to swim on the hottest day of the summer, I swear. She had so much fun celebrating her birthday with her friends splashing away in the pool. She is one sweet, spunky 5 year old. 

October: Lincoln is born
After a long-awaited 9 months, we were finally given the green light to meet this adorable bundle of joy. Lincoln Ryan was born on 10/28 at 3:28 pm weighing a whopping 9 lbs 6 oz. My water broke at 2pm in the afternoon but thankfully we were already at the hospital, because let's just say that my doctor informed me we would not have made it to the hospital in time! He came quick. I think I'll have to do a blog post on his birth story just to remember. 
He was welcomed with squeals of love to our family. A BOY! 

November: more Vikings losses
Although the Vikings continued to lose, game after game, we continued to support them and tune in week after week; only to be disappointed. 
But having 3 kids decked out in Vikings gear sure makes for a fun picture!

December: our first Christmas as a family of 5
December was filled with school programs, family celebrations and holiday preparations. We enjoyed sitting in front of our fireplace and snuggling up with a movie, all while arguing over who got the best blanket of all....Lincoln :) 

We wish you all health and happiness in the New Year and look forward to new adventures!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ says-when you put it that way it sure seems like a full year. Great memories.