Wednesday, January 08, 2014

2 month stats

Lincoln saw our lovely pediatrician yesterday for his 2 month appointment (he's actually 2 mo 10 days). I had hoped to bring only him to this appointment, but with the recent cold snap, Regan didn't have school and had to join us. Turned out to be a good experience for her, she really has a motherly nature to her. As the nurse gave him shots, Regan held one hand and sincerely said "I wish I could take the shots for him". Melted our hearts. He screamed his lungs out and took a while to calm down, but was his happy, usual self the rest of the day. 
Doc says he's doing great, right on track developmentally and is one good baby. She had to do a double take at his stats though, no lie. She actually said "is that right?!" when she rattled off his weight...drumroll please....17 lbs 5 oz!! That puts him in the 99th percentile! It's no wonder my back aches daily :) (The girls were both under 12 lbs at this age). Length is 24.9 inches, putting him in the 94th percentile! 
He's wearing mostly 6 mo clothes, no wonder! 
Lastly, he started giggling this week! Most adorable sound ever!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ says: he is adorable. Love the smile. Is that a dimple I see ?