Wednesday, January 01, 2014

2 months old

Lincoln is now 2 months old and becoming much more interactive. Just in the last couple of days, his smile has blossomed into a full blown toothless smile that melts our hearts. It catches the attention of everyone around and we are all so in love.
As for everything else: 
Lincoln continues to be our champion all around. He has been sleeping through the night since 4 weeks old, going to bed about 10pm and waking around 6 or 7am to eat. During the day he will nurse every 3 hours, almost like clock-work. He is spending more time awake between feedings and will listen to stories being read, watch the action of the girls, or look at toys put in front of him. He is the typical baby that you read about in books, in that when over-stimulated, he will look away (towards a blank wall for example). This happens mostly when Sidney comes around :) He has a love/hate for that girl. Just tonight he loved listening/watching to her sing Itsy-Bitsy Spider with the hand movements, but then later wiggled in despair when she tried to give him a tight squeeze. Regan is another story, he seems to be pretty happy whenever she is around. He will watch her in awe as she reads stories to him and doesn't (usually) become upset when she holds him. 
As for his newborn noises, they all still present. And often loud! We love listening to his little snores or grunts. He recently has started going for his hand to suck on, and prefers this over a pacifier (and we have tried several different styles). We really are discouraging this because I'm hearing it is incredibly difficult to break a thumb-sucker! Thankfully he'll take the pacifier (for the most part). 
Unfortunately, he still is a spitter-upper, but most of the time it doesn't seem to bother him. On most days I am spit up on countless times, and the smell makes me smile as I think of how lucky I am to have him. I have however thought about how I could go into business designing a burp cloth with a pouch in the back to catch the spit as it falls down my back and before it splatters onto the floor! 
As for stats, those will have to wait until next week for his 2 month appointment. We know he's a big boy, as he's already into many 6 month outfits! I have no doubt that he will outgrow his infant carrier much sooner than we expected!
We love you Lincoln Ryan! 

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