Tuesday, September 03, 2013

First day of school: 2nd grade and Pre-K

Last night, the girls went to bed with a bit of excitement, fear and wonder in their eyes. Both of them were preparing to start a new "grade" (Sidney started a Pre-K program). Sure they were excited, both having previously met their teachers and visited their new classrooms. But they were each also very nervous about what to expect. 

As we drove home from the lake, Regan mentioned how she was "sad that we are done at the lake, but excited to start 2nd grade". Atta girl, I sure remember some similar feelings growing up. We spent some time chatting about her fears/concerns while at the same time, trying to pump up her excitement. After all, she was heading into a class where she new many of her friends/class mates. 
By the time we dropped her at school today, she bounced out of the car, kissed us all good bye and never looked back. 
Ryan even commented that she didn't turn around. 
Not even a wave. 
I have to be proud that she is confident. She is growing up. And she is ready for the school year. 

Thankfully, I still get have to walk Sidney into her classroom. Much as she wants to walk in alone, and she tells me this regularly ("mom, I want to walk in like Regan. I'm big now"), I'm sooooo thankful that this isn't allowed :) 
She was so stinkin' excited to start Pre-K. People have been asking her for months if she was going to Kindergarten this fall, but sadly, she hasn't quite turned 5 yet and therefore, missed the cut off. She wants so badly to go, but the next best thing is hanging out with 14 of your best friends from when you were in diapers. And so that's where she will be spending 3 days/week. 
She proudly sported her new back pack (that she picked out with Grandma Jan as an early birthday present), and held my hand as we walked into school. I will forever remember the cheery smile she gave to me as she looked up and our eyes met while crossing the parking lot. She was excited. And I was so happy for her. I couldn't help but get a little teary as I left her inside, her final year before going off into the big world of Kindergarten. 

After school, I asked the right questions and got lots of answers from my girls about their days :) They spilled all their favorites and not-so-favorite parts of this new routine. It sounds like the worst part of Regan's day is that we made her wear tennis shoes to school and she didn't even have gym (talk about being the meanest parents ever!) and Sidney.....well, she didn't really have a worst part of her day :) They each could write a book about their favorite parts: friends, recess, art, and so on. 
Here's to another year! 

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