Friday, September 20, 2013

5 year stats

Our itty bitty girl is growing up. And today, she had to venture to the doctor to check her stats and endure a few shots. She was so scared, knowing full well that shots H.U.R.T. 
Bravely she walked in, chatted a bit with the doctor, telling her everything she wanted to hear (how she sits in a car seat and buckles all the straps, that she wears a helmet when bike riding, etc). I had to fill out a quick questionnaire and at one point, I chuckled out loud. Sidney asked me why I laughed and I said "this question asks if mommy is concerned about your behavior" (yes, I know what this question means, and no, I'm not concerned), but she looked back and and nuzzled into my shoulder with a grin. 
She's pushed some buttons lately. 
So in the end, she is healthy and happy and growing right on track. 
Weight: 38 lbs (~40th percentile)
Height: 42 3/4" (~55th percentile)

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