Friday, September 06, 2013

32 weeks.

For the 3rd time :) 
Today, I visited the doctor for a 32 week appointment. Me and my side-kick Sidney. She is becoming a pro at these appointments: handing me the pee cup, sticker and lid, opening the trap door, waiting on the doctor, and asking all sorts of questions to me, the nurse and the doctor. I think she might be learning a bit too much about pregnancy!

Things are looking good for baby, who continues to measure ahead of schedule, by roughly 2 weeks in size. Now just to be fair, Sidney was also considered "two weeks ahead of schedule" towards the end of my pregnancy, and she came out just 4 days before my due date at 7 lbs 14 oz. So apparently I just tend to have a large belly! 

This baby has a heart rate lower than the other two ever did, generally in the 120's-130's but occasionally hitting 140. It remains very active, tossing and turning all day and night. Ryan comments that baby better figure out stretches of sleeping before it comes out!! Watching and feeling the stretches are my absolute favorite part of pregnancy. I love it. Hiccups are fun too, and happen a lot. 

The girls are getting more and more excited. Sidney gives me two hugs whenever she needs a snuggle, one for me and one for baby. Her arms stretch up around my belly as she tells baby she loves it. Melts my heart. Regan found a gigantic LaLaLoopsie today (picture an over sized bobble head) and walked around saying she was practicing holding baby and keeping its head safe. She cannot wait to help.  

And for comparison sake, I'm posting belly pictures for the lucky readers. ha! 



Ryan still thinks this one is a boy, and considering he was accurate on his guesses the last two times, I should probably give him some credit. As for me, well, I have had 4 dreams it is a boy, and two dreams that it was born October 17th. But yet I still think it's going to be a girl. 
Time will tell.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So far, it looks like you were biggest with Sidney, and smallest with baby #3.