Saturday, February 09, 2013

Happy (family) Birthday Party Day

Our little girl is nearly 7 years old, and I simply cannot believe it. It sounds so common "where did the time go?", but really, it is so very true. Regularly, I will have patients remind me, as they look around my office, 'make the most of these years because they go by all too fast.' 
Each and every day I am loving up these girls. 
It was 7 years ago about this time that I thought I had another 4 weeks of pregnancy. So I hopped in the car with some great gals and headed 2 hours south to visit a friend/new baby. Little did I know that just a few days later, I would be in labor myself. 
And out came this amazing girl, who was beyond ready for the world. 

She is inquisitive beyond her years. Asking some amazing questions about things like earthquakes, rocks, math equations and life. She is eager to try anything, she really will do nearly time. And you know, that's all I can ask of her. She hears me say "just try it", and she does. Without skipping a beat. 
"Regan, just try diving off the board", and she will. 
"Regan, just try this yellow pepper", and she does. 
We lover her to pieces and today, she was able to celebrate her 7th birthday with over 20 of her favorite people. 

This sweet girl in particular, melts Regan's heart. Regan is at the age/size where she can comfortably hold Harlow and not look like she's going to let lose and drop her. 
Where did the time go? 

Ryan and I soak in the sweet baby smell, remembering those scents from 7 years ago.
Except, when Harlow spits up all over her sole pair of Jammie's and stinks like barf the rest of the night. 

What does grandma Sheri buy for her oldest granddaughter who happens to dislike toys and already has nearly every art/craft supply known to man? 
A balance beam. 
We thank Ashley for demonstrating the hand stand today. 
(Even Harlow was mesmerized!). 

Jamie demonstrated the newest form of Twister....Rave. 
Who needs a gym membership? This thing is one heck of an arm workout! 

Regan is so fortunate to have Vicky and Lon as her Godparents. They love her to pieces! 
We ALL do!!
Though we celebrated her 7th birthday, it's not official yet and I'm hanging onto 6 for another 5 days! 

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