Thursday, February 14, 2013

Birthday eve

7 Years ago, I was a waddling, 8 month pregnant lady. And yet I was loving every second of it. I was chubby beyond words but no major complaints. Today I told the girls the story of Regan's birth (the very edited story!). Oh did they laugh and giggle and begged me to tell it again and again; alternating between Regan and Sidney's birth stories.
The smiles across their face were priceless. They were so proud to hear about the moments leading up to their birth. They both loved hearing the details of clothing worn by first visitors, weather, their first car rides, and on and on.
Oh boy were we blessed with this cute little 6 lb 13 oz bundle of joy!
She grew and she grew into a bouncing off the wall toddler. And the silly stories continued on, and boy do we still laugh about some of our silly times together.

She has a serious love for art and has for quite some time. This year's birthday gifts circled mostly around art. Very fitting for this sweetie.

She's an amazing, sweet, girl who is inquisitive and curious and melts our hearts. She has her daddy wrapped right around her finger.

 Though unfortunately, the moments like the picture below still continue....
Happy Birthday eve Regan!!
We love you so very much!
Can't wait to share in your big day....and with a big surprise for you too! 

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