Sunday, January 06, 2013

Tubing 2013

20 degrees F
Sunny skies
Little to no breeze. 
A wide open Sunday
what to do.....
go tubing!! 

This place is a blast! Ryan and I definitely have more fun than the girls do, but they are warming up to it each time we go. I should clarify, they have fun for the first 1-1.5 hours, and though we could keep going up and down over and over again, they let us know it's time to head home. 
Here's a few videos from the action. The first, we are linked together, all 4 of us going down together. 

The second video, is just Regan sailing down on her own. Sidney did the same thing, and she was so funny to watch! All 34 lbs skipping down the snow, stopping way short of the end because she was too light. At one point, the ski patrol asked if everything below was alright because Ryan had to run part-way up the hill to collect her and the tube. She was perfectly fine, just too much of a light weight to get the tube to finish out the run at the end :) 

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