Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Oh happy day

Happy BIRTH-day that is :) 
Today I played hookie from work because Regan was still off from school for an extended MLK day. I took the opportunity to celebrate my birthday with my loves, minus Ryan who was busy NOT playing hookie. 

We woke up to this....which changed our plans of sledding and ice skating to anything that kept us indoors. Geez that's cold. My mom, who is reading this, will have to comment if it was that cold on the actual day I was born?! Schnikies. Winter birthdays are kind of the pits, I remember it was -32F windchill the day Regan came home from the hospital.  

So instead of chasing up the street for my free Caribou in the early morning hours and some donuts for the girls, Plan B included a birthday candle in monkey bread and two very pleased girls to get to blow out the single candle over and over again. With all the spit that landed on my breakfast bread, I wouldn't be surprised if I catch their runny noses. 

 Later, we made craft after craft with ideas from Pinterest. We even opened the deck door and blew bubbles into the tundra watching as they crystallized when they popped. 

And thanks to a great idea from Ryan's cousin, Maddi, we got our nails done. That wasn't her idea, but the method I paid a pretty penny for, was her idea. Gel nails.
Yep, I was so thrilled with the idea that I even let the girls get the full experience. They were over the moon excited. Tonight, as Regan gazed at her gorgeous fingernails, she asked "can we always get it done this way? Because mom, I don't have one single chip yet and I've washed my hands over and over again!". 
Gosh it was cute. 
Having girls is going to be expensive. As if I didn't know that already! 

Eventually we met up with Ryan and headed out for dinner. At the end of the meal, the waiter brought over a sweet surprise to help us celebrate and it's quite clear, the kids dug right in. Sidney had that warm giant chocolate chip cookie everywhere! 
Thank you to everyone for all the wonderful emails, texts and facebook messages. 
I had a lovely day, spending it with those so very important to me. 


Anonymous said...

GJ says: Believe it or not, I am pretty sure the temp reached a high of 22 on your birthday. It was a beautiful sunshiny day.

Hudson and Paxton said...

The picture of Sidney getting her nails done....uh, she looks so old, yet still a sweet innocent baby.