Thursday, January 24, 2013

Dot Com

This girl keeps us on our toes. 
Her charm is something to delight in, like when she compliments you out of the blue "mommy, I like your shirt". 
Or her contagious giggle that makes you want to repeat whatever it was that just made her laugh hysterically. 
Or last night, when we sat together at her toy vanity. She keeps a "diary" and pen nearby and it's littered with scribbles because for the life of her, she can't spell much on her own though she tries and tries. Atop her vanity is also the 'desk/computer' for the doll house. She pretends to type on the teeny tiny computer and  then looks at me and says "mom, should I do". 
The fact that our 4 year old has "dot com" in her language cracks me up. Her voice is just too tiny to say the words "dot com" and actually know what she's saying! 
We love you sweet Sidney

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