Sunday, May 15, 2011

Surprise outing

Today we set out for a surprise adventure. The girls questioned us for an hour as we got ready to head out the door and then drove to our destination with questions of "where are we going?, where mom?". It was pretty fun. This outdoor play land is a quick 15 minute drive down the street, but you'd think it was 2 hours of waiting. Once we pulled into the parking lot, Regan screamed "CHUTES AND LADDERS!" and as Ryan pulled into a parking spot, she unbuckled herself and opened the door just as he tossed the car into park. You can see by this picture, she was off and running ahead of the rest of us!
Up and down, round and round we went. The girls exhausted themselves with playtime. Unfortunately, we're slightly over-protective and just couldn't let Sidney wander on her own (there are actually parents who sit and watch while their 2 year olds explore the complex on their own), so I was just as exhausted as the girls. Ryan got to keep tabs on Regan...his job was to watch from below as she flew out of this slide.
Down the hill is the beautiful "reserve" and it makes a good backdrop for pictures.
Not to mention a good place to catch your breath from so much up and down and round and round.
These girls wear me out, but we have so much fun together that I wouldn't have it any other way.
And after a quick break, Ryan and Regan raced back up the hill for more playtime!
And it was a lot more up and down and round and round!

1 comment:

we are the spencers said...

now that place looks like fun! i will have to remember that for our next visit to Minneapolis!