Monday, May 30, 2011

Best of friends

I've mentioned before that I have the best friend in the world. Sadly we haven't been able to see each other much lately. Today, we met up half-way for lunch and it's like we saw each other yesterday the way our conversation flows. Maybe it's the constant emails/texts that keep us up to date on each other's happenings!
The kiddos had a blast too; here are some shots of the afternoon:
getting a picture of all the kids looking at the camera was impossible. Heck, getting a picture of just two of them together was impossible!
This shot was too cute, they were running up/down this path and in height order!
I kept trying, but it just wasn't happening today
Thanks for a fun afternoon,
can't wait for the upcoming playdates!


Kari Wendinger said...

Thanks again for meeting us. The kids always enjoy playing with your girls. They're all so cute together!

Hudson and Paxton said...

LOVE the girls' outfits!