Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ball games and Splashes

We managed to make it through 2 of Hunter's softball games this morning/afternoon and amazingly stayed relatively dry. Oblivious to the horrible weather closer to home, we had a good time despite the clouds.
The girls fought over Halle and gave good excuses to Ryan in hopes of someday getting a dog of their own. (they aren't making much ground)
Rain delay caused a long lunch break.... and the girls were more than happy to be sharing a dessert with Maddi and Logan!
And once home I finally decided: "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em".
The girls and I headed into the rain to splash away in puddles.
And splash they did!
We walked down the block so Regan could watch where the water was headed.
Note to self: good science lesson.
This picture cracks me up; it looks like Sidney is drowning in her boots!
The beauty of this rainbow was perfect!
Interestingly the rainbow is in the ugly part of the sky.
Seeing the rainbow gave Regan the idea to serenade us with rainbow related songs on the walk back home. And for those that haven't heard, Regan was awarded "Future American Idol" by her preschool teachers during graduation last week. They know her well :)
Proof is in the boot...check out that lake she dumped out. Regan kept saying "my boots are croaking!" because with every step, her foot made a croak sound inside her boot!

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