Saturday, March 14, 2015

Minihaha Falls--frozen edition

Among the chaos of life, we are really trying to find the balance between moments with electronics and moments with each other. I realize that we can't go days without computers, iPods, iPhones or iPads. (well we could, but it's not very practical). And so lately, I've tried very hard at deliberately putting down my phone during family time. If I take it out, it's usually for a quick picture and then it goes back away again. 
Last weekend ,we put down all of our gadgets and headed over to Minihaha to see the frozen falls before the big melt came our way. And the falls did not disappoint! Gosh almighty it was a sight to be seen.

Regan had a friend tagging along for the afternoon and she was impressed, having never seen them flowing or frozen. The girls had a great time exploring the muddy mess. 

They tried to convince us to let them step across the ice, claiming "it's frozen!"  Not so fast girls. We could just see their shoes pushing through the ice and turning into a wet mess. 
Instead, they were content jumping from rock to rock. 
And Lincoln had oodles of fun pointing out the plethora of dogs walking the park. We love the falls and are eager to see them flowing again and head over for a picnic. 
Yea for family time! 

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