Saturday, March 21, 2015

For the love of outdoors

Our little guy just loves to be outside! And good thing too because we are kind of an outdoor living kind of family. But seriously, he takes it to another level. While daddy was in Atlanta last week for work (another post), he gave Grandma Jan a run for her money begging and pleading to spend hours outside. 

The girls have asked to take him in their pink car for a few days now and we finally gave in....the verdict, he LOVES it! I think he prefers Regan behind the wheel...let's face it, Sidney is a wild driver. She and a friend crashed into the fire hydrant just down the sidewalk; a fire hydrant that hasn't moved in the 5 years we lived in this house!
Oh I can't even get over this cute-ness! 

And when he's finished in the front yard, he moves to the back yard and it's more of the same. Pointing and begging to be placed in the play set (we do not have a climber on our hands) so that he can take a slide down our super-ultra-crazy-fast slide. 
His laugh is contagious and the smile across his face is simply the BEST! He's eaten sand, dug in dirt and kicked balls around. I'm patiently waiting for him to pick up the rabbit turds spewed around the lawn and offer them as a treat! 

Yea for spring time! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: I need to get in shape to TRY to keep up with him this summer. They will all be my workout.