Sunday, March 01, 2015

16 months

16 months and never slowing down. 
We aren't supposed to compare our children, I know this. But in this instance, we had to pause and reflect. 
Were the girls like this?
This has to be a boy thing!

He is best described as busy, destructive. But then we know that he is feeling healthy. So it is all worth it.
One of his favorite things to do is help empty the dishwasher. He will hand you silverware piece after piece, with a grunt of "ahh" as if to say 'here you go'. But in the same moment he can empty his own kitchen tossing each item and in the blink of an eye, has created this mess.

He is so very sweet. He gives snuggles on demand or just for the love of it. And I love the way he picks at my fingernails when I hold him. Flicking them back it's like he relaxes, knowing all is right as he is held and loved. No matter the scenario, he still prefers me. The girls often whine that he needs to learn to share me. If they try to sit on my lap, or play tickle monster, you can bet he will scream and cry until they get out of his way and allow him the sole spot on my lap.

One of his favorite activities is reading books. We love how he backs up into our laps when we are sitting on the floor. Oh my this is cute. He starts off walking towards you, then at about 1-2 feet out, he turns backwards and backs up before plopping down onto your lap. And if you are lucky, he might start to read to you too...loudly uttering sounds and talking complete gibberish.

He also still loves being outside. The cold doesn't bother him much, he just wants the fresh air. We are slightly worried how he will handle spring/summer with his wild demeanor and a big body of water in our back yard. I sense it will be life vest on, all day, every day. 

He plays hard, and many days will sleep hard. We are still in the midst of twice daily naps and another 11 hours at night. When he isn't suffering an ear infection (and currently on #4 in ~2 months) he sleeps good. But when he has something causing pain, all bets are off. 

He's growing like a weed and keeping us on our toes. He is a boy in every aspect. But he's still a toddler. Our growing baby boy is doing typical toddler things too: throwing tantrums and balls, eating what/when he wants and currently includes a box of goldfish per day, saying 4 words (mom, dad, hot and truck) and laughing each and every day. 
He completes our world and we love him to pieces!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: can't wait to see you all. Love the pictures.